
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Carolina Cerrato” ,找到相关结果约9738条。
Clinical Factors Influencing Phenotype of HCMV-Specific CD8+ T Cells and HCMV-Induced Interferon-Gamma Production after Allogeneic Stem Cells Transplantation
Inmaculada Gayoso,Sara Cantisán,Carolina Cerrato,Joaquín Sánchez-García
Clinical and Developmental Immunology , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/347213
Intervenciones psicológicas en la prevención y atención a la dependencia
Montorio Cerrato,Ignacio;
Intervención Psicosocial , 2007, DOI: 10.4321/S1132-05592007000100004
Abstract: far from the traditional view of care need, the process leading to the need of care in elder persons is multi-causal. beyond the biological dimension, psycho-social factors play a significant role. health psychology and clinical psychology provide ways of intervention along with prevention and treatment tools. persons providing care to hte elderly play a key role within the social process of care work. they are not only social agents,trying to meet increasing social needs of elder persons, helping them to gain autonomy but they also have to avoid the negative implications of their practice.
Cryptogenic stroke: atrial fibrillation under indictment
Marcella Jorfida,Paolo Cerrato
Emergency Care Journal , 2009, DOI: 10.4081/ecj.2009.3.32
Abstract: The stroke is the third cause of death and the main cause of disability in adults. 30% of ischaemic strokes are cryptogenic. Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common disease, mainly among older patients (pts) (9% of people over 80). AF is an indipendent risk factor for stroke, and 15% of ischaemic strokes are due to AF (25% in older people). The cardioembolic risk is determinated by duration of AF and comorbilities: high risk pts are identified by risk score scales, in order to define who needs anticoagulation. Identification of pts with AF, symptomatic or not, is mandatory to prevent thromboembolism. Thrombo - embolic complications of asymptomatic AF (half of episodes are asymptomatic) are similar to symptomatic. Accuracy of methods for AF detection is higher if the monitored period is long, in particular for detection of asymptomatic AF. A careful identification of asymptomatic AF is mandatory to indicate the anticoagulation therapy in people with thromboembolic risk factor: in particular, pts with a previous stroke need to detect carefully potential arrhythmias in order to avoid relapses.
Depth versus breadth: Exploring variation and performance differences among internationalising new ventures
Daniele Cerrato,Stephanie A Fernhaber
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/0266242618783309
Abstract: Despite the wealth of studies on international entrepreneurship that have emerged over recent years, a need exists to further explore variation among internationalising new ventures. In this article, we develop and test a framework suggesting that a new venture’s depth and breadth of internationalisation can be traded off in multiple ways to minimise risk. Through a cluster analysis, we identify four configurations commonly exhibited by internationalising new ventures, which we classify as follows: (1) home regional dabblers, (2) home regional committed, (3) host regional focused and (4) global balanced. Implications for firm-level drivers and performance are discussed
Book review: John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy and Richard Tait (eds) Anti
Carolina Are
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1177/1464884919828859
Forecasting intense geomagnetic activity using interplanetary magnetic field data
E. Saiz, C. Cid,Y. Cerrato
Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO) , 2008,
Abstract: Southward interplanetary magnetic fields are considered traces of geoeffectiveness since they are a main agent of magnetic reconnection of solar wind and magnetosphere. The first part of this work revises the ability to forecast intense geomagnetic activity using different procedures available in the literature. The study shows that current methods do not succeed in making confident predictions. This fact led us to develop a new forecasting procedure, which provides trustworthy results in predicting large variations of Dst index over a sample of 10 years of observations and is based on the value Bz only. The proposed forecasting method appears as a worthy tool for space weather purposes because it is not affected by the lack of solar wind plasma data, which usually occurs during severe geomagnetic activity. Moreover, the results obtained guide us to provide a new interpretation of the physical mechanisms involved in the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere using Faraday's law.
Eficacia de un tratamiento cognitivo-conductual para la preocupación excesiva en personas mayores
Roberto Nuevo Benítez,Ignacio Montorio Cerrato
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology , 2005,
Abstract: Este estudio cuasi-experimental analiza la efectividad de un programa psicoeducativo dirigido a la reducción de la preocupación excesiva en personas mayores mediante la discusión y práctica de habilidades de solución de problemas, relajación muscular, control de estímulos y cambio de creencias sobre la preocupación. Una muestra de 17 personas de entre 55 y 80 a os asistió a 8 sesiones semanales de 90 minutos y 24 formaron el grupo control. Se evaluó preocupación-rasgo, severidad de la ansiedad generalizada y metapreocupación antes y después del programa. No hubo diferencias en las puntuaciones previas entre grupos ni en estas variables ni en variables socio-demográficas. Sin embargo, tras el programa, el grupo clínico obtuvo puntuaciones significativamente inferiores en preocupación-rasgo y severidad de la ansiedad generalizada, pero no en metapreocupación. El tama o del efecto (d de Cohen) fue aceptable para la preocupación rasgo (d = 0,75) y para la severidad de la ansiedad generalizada (d = 0,59) y reducido para la metapreocupación (d = 0,25). El efecto prepost y el porcentaje de cambio fueron, en cambio, elevados para todas las variables en el grupo experimental y prácticamente nulos en el grupo control, de modo que el programa realizado parece ser eficaz en la reducción de la preocupación excesiva en las personas mayores.
La microbiología del suelo en la agricultura sostenible
Ronald Ferrera Cerrato,Alejandro Alarcón
Ciencia Ergo Sum , 2001,
Abstract: El suelo, como ente vivo, posee características físicas, químicas y biológicas que definen el grado de fertilidad de ecosistemas y agroecosistemas. Los microorganismos benéficos influyen directamente en el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas de un determinado ecosistema o agroecosistema. El manejo de los sistemas agrícolas con un enfoque orgánico y sostenible permite que los microorganismos sean considerados como elementos básicos para lograr la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas en pro de las actividades agrícolas y conservación de los recursos naturales y del ambiente.
Cambios en las Relaciones y Satisfacciones Intergeneracionales Asociados al Uso de las TICs
Figuer Ramírez,Cristina; Malo Cerrato,Sara; Bertran Camats,Irma;
Intervención Psicosocial , 2010,
Abstract: this article presents data from two samples of catalan adolescents from 12 to 16 years and their parents in 2003 and 2008. the main aim is to explore the changing relationships between parents and their children and the impact that the use of ict has on these changes. the results show that over the time there is a greater involvement of parents in communicating with their children about this issue, which involves no greater satisfaction of adolescents with such communication, possibly by the perception of lack of control that his/her father or mother has.
Activación del área motora primaria mediante RMf posrehabilitación en pacientes con miembro torácico parético, como secuela de enfermedad vascular cerebral
Cerrato-Cuadra, Alfonso;Carrillo-Mezo, Roger;
Archivos de neurociencias (México, D.F.) , 2005,
Abstract: the rehabilitation is a basic aspect of the motor deficit as result of a cerebrovascular disease (stroke). a spontaneous recovery occur in 10% and a 10% do not recover function so 80% are candidates for treatment. we present the techiniques empoyed and results obtained in 20 patients with motor impairment after a stroke. the different treatments and evaluations are presented.

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